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Gynaecological Endocrinology is highly special subspeciality of Gynaecology which we are starting in our MedEx venture.
Gynaecological Endocrinology is highly special subspeciality of Gynaecology which we are starting in our hospital, MedEx Venture. Such special branch of Gynecology will be first of its kind to exist in India.
It is particularly in context of hormonal related disorders in females, effecting their reproductive health at all ages ,from puberty to menopause.
Basically Endocinological disturbances are genesis of almost all gynaecological disorders These problems are not only cause of reproductive disorders but can lead to short and long term consequences such as aesthetic (skin and hair) metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes ,cardiac diseases),mental sufferings ,bone health issues and even cancers. Besides further due to altered milieu of uterus during pregnancy in these women, these conditions can impact the offspring health too.
As endocrine disrupters are increasing in our surroundings including our diet, It is leading to dysregulation in endocrine system manifesting with various gynaecological conditions ,as female reproductive functions are result of regulated hormone cycles. Correct diagnosis with thorough care by specialized expert gynaecologist is prudent to treat appropriately and prevent further consequences.
Hormony of hormone is essential to maintain all female reproductive functions. How to maintain this hormonal balane by external hormones as well as by other means is integral part to manage in gynaecology.
Following conditions are included in Gynaeendocrinology:
1. PCOS: Occurrence of PCOS is increasing rapidly in young girls due to deviation from healthy life style and destroying women health physically reproductively and mentally .It needs an appropriate and integrated approach to manage.
2. Menstrual irregularities from puberty to menopause
3. Endometriosis: which is being observed now in younger age group girls also, It needs very special and expert care to treat wisely and prevent unnecessary interventions .
4. Fertility issues: large no of issues are due to endocrinal problems
5. Ovarian conditions: Premature ovarian insufficiency or failure, Hypo gonadotrophism, Hypergonadotrophism need life long management
6. Menopause: HRT issues when, which one ,how long for hot flushes and genitourinary symptoms ,Taking care of mental health and prevention and treatment of osteoporosis a silent killier, memory .social issues
7. Gonadal disorders and intersex, gonadectomy ,vaginoplasties and clitoroplasties
8. Amenorrhoeas
9. Puberty: Precocious and delayed
10. Pituitary problems Hyperprolactinaemia and microadenomas
11. Thyroid disorders during pregnancy
12. Gestational diabetes mellitus has to understand as sentinel event in women life for indication of onset of diabetes later in life and preventive measures has to be taken
13. Hormones in abortion and pregnancy care, contraception
There are so many problems ,need special attention with specialized gynaecologist. Management with thorough understanding is crucial to manage these cases to manage appropriately, prevent unnecessary intervention and health consequences. Hormomes therapy with knowledge of accurate hormone in appropriate dosage ,protocol and durations as per patient’age , condition and indication is prudent .
We are starting the Department of Gynecological-endocrinology with following aims
1. Special clinics for expert and better care of patients
2. Spread awareness and knowledge.
3. Integrated approach and preventive measures so that we can switch to prevention from intervention in future in our country
4. Develop registries for PCOS and Endometriosis, AUB which will help in future developing protocols and support to patients
6. Epidemiology & Research for better future women health.
7. Plan to start fellowship program in Gnaeendocrinology which is need of time as clinician are practicing with marked lack of knowledge about subject
8. Plan to start teaching program. by physical or virtual talks, whatever possible and feasible.
a) practitioners :Didactic lectures and case discussion with silent features in particular patient, panels dialogues
b)awareness for patients: lectures and interactions , patient to patient interactions. Informational pamphlets
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