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The ENT Department at Artemis offers a comprehensive list of diagnostic and therapeutic options, all under one roof. A detailed evaluation is first undertaken by a team comprising of ENT Surgeons.
Department of ENT, MedEx Venture is a unique blend of young, experienced, and energetic ENT specialists from diverse backgrounds whose only focus is to compassionately and ethically treat a patient with the highest available medical standards and technology. We know that every patient is a different patient with specific needs and expectations and it’s personalized treatment with individualized attention that is required. Whether it’s the most complex airway reconstruction surgery of trachea or a simple tonsillectomy we strive to have excellence in care in every patient every time. We understand that lasers and machines do not heal individuals; rather, they are instruments that, when utilised properly and responsibly, save lives and provide the finest medical outcomes. Each one of the consultants in the department has been reviewed extensively on Google and carries one of the highest satisfaction ratings in the Ent doctors fraternity. Almost 20% of our patients are international, indicating that individuals are willing to travel long distances to get a dependable, inexpensive, and cutting-edge therapy. Patients frequently come to us for second views in difficult, complex, and obstinate instances when several therapies have failed. We are certain that our treatment and views are in accordance with the highest medical standards in the world thanks to our network of collaboration with the world's best medical centers.
We are nationally and internationally known for providing good, affordable and reliable treatment for Entire spectrum of ENT diseases and disorders. Our team of ENT doctors are adept at performing all routine as well as complicated procedures pertaining to the ear, nose, and throat. Our team of ENT specialists along with our audiologists and Speech-language pathologists work continuously to provide the best care to our patients.
Cutting Edge Technology and Tools:
Adenotonsillar disease, Adenoid hypertrophy, Airway obstruction, Balance problems and dizziness and vertigo, Burning mouth syndrome, Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks from nose and ears, Cholesteatoma, Chronic sinusitis, Congenital anomalies of the larynx and trachea, Congenital neck masses and sinuses, Deviated septum of nose, Dysphagia due to stroke or any other cause, Ear canal stenosis, Eustachian tube dysfunction and ear infections, External ear problems, Facial fracture, Facial nerve paralysis, Facial skin cancers, Feeding disorders, Foreign body aspiration, Foreign body in esophagus, Graves' disease, Head and neck cancers, Hearing loss, Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Tumors of nose and paranasal sinuses, Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, Laryngeal papillomatosis, Laryngeal trauma, Laryngitis, Laryngomalacia, Laryngotracheal stenosis, Loss of smell (anosmia), Meniere's disease, Nasal polyps, Nonallergic rhinitis, Obstructive sleep apnea, Otosclerosis, Ossicular disruption requiring ossiculoplasty, Paradoxical vocal fold motion disorder, Paraganglioma, Parotid tumors, Paediatric airway disease, Paediatric head masses, Paediatric nasal masses, Paediatric neck masses, Paediatric sinus disease, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Recurrent ear infections, Ruptured Eardrum (perforated eardrum), Saccular cysts, Salivary gland tumors, Scars, Skull base tumors, Sleep apnea, Snoring, Stridor, Subglottic stenosis, Superior semicircular canal dehiscence, Supraglottic cancer, Throat cancer, Thyroid cancer, Vascular anomalies, Velopharyngeal insufficiency, Vocal cord cysts, Vocal cord nodules, Vocal cord paralysis, Vocal cord polyps, Vocal cord scarring, Vocal tremor, Voice disorders, Zenker's diverticulum.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex