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Suffering from unexplained symptoms? Autoimmune diseases (ADs) may be the cause. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve your quality of life. Get tested today!
Autoimmune Disease (ADs) Package
Are you experiencing unexplained symptoms like fatigue, joint pain, and inflammation? It could be due to autoimmune diseases (ADs), a group of conditions where the immune system attacks the body's own tissues.
Autoimmune Disease (ADs) Package includes the following tests:
1. ANA profile
- Anti-dsDNA
- Anti-nRNP
- Anti-Sm
2. Anti- Cardiolipin lgG
3. Anti- Cardiolipin lgM
4. Beta-2 Glycoprotein lgM
5. Beta-2 Glycoprotein lgG
6. Lupus Anticoagulant
7. C3 complement
8. C4 complement
With our Autoimmune Disease (AD) testing, you can finally get to the bottom of your unexplained symptoms and take steps to improve your quality of life. Don't suffer in silence - get tested today!
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex