Health Checkup, Medical Treatment & Elective Surgeries
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Our team of medical experts conducts personalized, all-encompassing health examinations tailored to your unique needs.
Advanced Check-up Package - (Male age 30 - 40)
Introducing our Advanced Check-up Package tailored specifically for men aged 30 to 40! We recognize the importance of proactive healthcare and providing comprehensive assessments to ensure optimal well-being. Our package includes a wide range of tests and examinations specifically designed to address men's health concerns.
Advanced Check-up Package - (Male age 30 - 40) includes the following tests:
- Basic measurement measuring vital signs Finding BMI
- Medical examination
- Check the completeness of blood cells and platelets.
- Check the level of sugar in the blood.
- Detect the average cumulative sugar level in the blood.
- Check blood cholesterol levels
- Check high-density lipid levels
- Check the level of low-density fat
- Check the level of triglycerides in the blood
- Kidney function test: BUN
- Kidney Function Test: Creatinine
- Kidney function test: eGFR
- Check the level of uric acid in the blood.
- Liver Function Test: SGPT
- Liver Function Test: SGOT
- Liver Function Test: Alkaline Phosphatase
- Complete urine test
- Radiological examination: X-ray of the lungs and heart.
- Radiological examination: ultrasound of all abdominal organs
- Measure the coagulation of blood vessels
- Health check report book
- Food coupons
Book your Advanced Check-up Package today and invest in your long-term health and happiness.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex