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MRI scan of the ankle; non-invasive procedure to help diagnose medical conditions relating to the tendons, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and bones of the ankle joint.
MRI scan of the ankle; non-invasive procedure to help diagnose medical conditions relating to the tendons, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and bones of the ankle joint, price includes:
Please wear metal free clothing and if possible, avoid wearing any jewellery. Alternatively, MedEx can provide you with a gown to change into for your scan. he ankle joint is made up of tibia, fibula and talus bones, as well as the supporting ligaments, muscles, and nerves. It carries the weight of the body and can develop a range of problems, most commonly traumatic injuries of the medial and lateral malleoli (the bumps on the inside and outside of your ankle).Ankle pain can stem from sprains and strains, to fractures and tendons or ligament problems, as well as damage to bones and cartilage due to arthritis.
The big advantage of an upright ankle MRI Scan over a conventional flatbed MRI tunnel scan is the ankle can be examined when weight-bearing. This can give a realistic dynamic picture of what is happening inside the ankle when it is subjected to the natural everyday pressures of gravity, picking up problems that might have been missed or underestimated on a conventional flatbed MRI scanner. It can more accurately show the alignment of the foot and ankle in relation to the leg. The patient is scanned upright and tilted back roughly 30 degrees.
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