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The sacroiliac joints support the spine and bear the weight of the body. They are supported by strong ligaments extending around the back of the pelvis.
MRI scan of the Sacroiliac Joint; non-invasive procedure to help diagnose medical conditions relating to the base of the spine, price includes:
Please wear metal free clothing and if possible, avoid wearing any jewellery. Alternatively, MedEx can provide you with a gown to change into for your scan. The sacroiliac joints support the spine and bear the weight of the body. They are supported by strong ligaments extending around the back of the pelvis. The glutes and piriformis muscle also help to reinforce the joint. An MRI scan may show up inflammation which may not be visible with other imaging techniques such as CT scans and x-ray.Up to 30 per cent of people with mechanical lower back pain have inflammation of the sacroiliac joints, also referred to as sacroiliitis or sacroiliac joint syndrome.The big advantage of an open sacroiliac MRI scan over a conventional flatbed MRI tunnel scan is that the upright spine can be viewed in a neutral upright position whilst sitting, so it is seen when weight bearing under the natural load of gravity.This gives a true picture of what is happening in the SI joints when it is subjected to normal everyday pressures when sitting, picking up problems that might have been missed or underestimated on a conventional flatbed MRI scanner.The seated and open design of this scanner is also usually more comfortable for patients whose pain is brought on by lying on their back to be scanned. It can also be easier to scan patients whose spine is scoliotic (curved sideways), or kyphotic (an excessive outward curve of the spine resulting in an abnormal rounding of the upper back).
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