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Open MRI scanners are a stress-free alternative to using a conventional enclosed tunnel MRI scanner, providing comfort and reassurance for people who suffer from anxiety or claustrophobia.
MRI scan of the knee; non-invasive procedure to help diagnose medical conditions relating to the tendons, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and bones of the knee joint, price includes:
Please wear metal free clothing and if possible, avoid wearing any jewellery. Alternatively, MedEx can provide you with a gown to change into for your scan. Choose and book your scan now, or scroll down for more knee joint MRI scan information.Open MRI scanners are a stress-free alternative to using a conventional enclosed tunnel MRI scanner, providing comfort and reassurance for people who suffer from anxiety or claustrophobia. Patients are scanned upright and tilted back) and the open front means patients can speak to a friend or relative or watch television throughout as distraction.
Open MRI scans can also accommodate larger/ heavier patients who might have difficulty fitting comfortably into a conventional tunnel scanner.However, suitability will depend on the patient’s build and the area of the anatomy to be scanned.
Available to self-pay clients, clients with private health insurance and NHS patients where prior funding has been agreed by a clinical commissioning group.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex