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The ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) quantitative test measures the exact concentration of anti-streptolysin O antibodies in the blood.
ASO (Quantitative) Test Description
The ASO (Anti-Streptolysin O) quantitative test measures the exact concentration of anti-streptolysin O antibodies in the blood. These antibodies are produced in response to Streptolysin O, a toxin released by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. The test provides a numerical value that indicates the degree of immune response to a recent or past streptococcal infection.
Uses of the Test
Interpretation of Results
Remedies for Elevated ASO Levels
Regular follow-up and monitoring of ASO titers are essential, particularly in patients with a history of post-streptococcal complications. Early intervention reduces the risk of long-term complications.
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