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The Pre-Marital Package (Female) offered by MedEX Neo Clinic is a comprehensive set of tests specifically designed to assess the health and well-being of females before marriage.
The Pre-Marital Package (Female) offered by MedEX Neo Clinic is a comprehensive set of tests specifically designed to assess the health and well-being of females before marriage. This package includes a range of tests that provide valuable insights into general health, hormonal balance, infectious diseases, and overall well-being.
The package begins with a Complete Blood Count (CBC) test, which assesses various components of blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. CBC helps evaluate overall health and can detect any underlying conditions such as anemia or infections that may require attention.
Blood Grouping test is included to determine an individual's blood type. This information is important for medical purposes and may be relevant during pregnancy or in case of blood transfusions.
Blood Sugar Level and HbA1C tests are included to assess blood glucose levels and evaluate long-term blood sugar control. These tests help identify any indications of diabetes or impaired glucose metabolism, which may require further management.
Thyroid Function Test assesses the functioning of the thyroid gland, which plays a crucial role in hormone regulation. Evaluating thyroid hormone levels helps identify any abnormalities that may impact overall health and well-being.
The Pre-Marital Package includes tests for HIV I&II, HBSAG, and Anti HCV, which are screening tests for common infectious diseases. These tests help identify the presence of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Detecting these infections is crucial for the well-being of both individuals and allows for appropriate management and prevention strategies.
VDRL (RPR) and TPHA tests are included to screen for syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection. Early detection and treatment of syphilis are essential to prevent complications and ensure a healthy start to married life.
Urine R/E (Routine Examination) is included to evaluate the urinary system and detect any potential urinary tract infections or abnormalities.
The Pre-Marital Package for Females offered by MedEX Neo Clinic provides a comprehensive assessment of various health parameters that are essential before marriage. By combining multiple tests, this package helps evaluate general health, hormonal balance, infectious diseases, and overall well-being. These tests enable healthcare professionals to identify any potential health concerns and provide appropriate guidance and counseling to ensure a healthy and successful marital journey. The exact pricing for the package can be obtained directly from MedEX Neo Clinic as it may vary based on location and specific offerings.
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