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Secure your peace of mind with Elite Health Plus Health Insurance, offering unparalleled coverage ranging from 20 to 100 million THB. Your well-being is our top priority.
Protection Details
This Elite Health Plus provides comprehensive protection as per the insurance policy. It covers various aspects of medical care, ensuring that our policyholders receive the necessary support in times of illness or injury.
Section 1: Inpatient Benefits
If the insured requires inpatient admission, the following benefits will be provided:
Sub-category 1.1: The company will cover room and board expenses, including hospital service fees for inpatient stays.
Sub-category 1.2: In cases where the insured stays in an Intensive Care Inpatient Room, the company will pay for room and board, including hospital service fees.
Category 2: Medical Service Fees for Diagnosis or
The company will provide benefits for medical services, including diagnosis and treatment costs, blood and blood component service fees, nursing service costs, medicine costs, parenteral nutrition costs, and medical supplies while the insured is admitted as an inpatient. This includes:
Category 3: Medical Practitioner (Doctor) Fees for Examination and Treatment
The company will reimburse fees for medical professionals (doctors) who provide examination and treatment while the insured is an inpatient at the hospital.
Category 4: Medical Expenses for Surgery (Surgery) and Procedures
Benefits will be paid for medical expenses incurred from surgeries and procedures performed during the insured's inpatient stay at the hospital, including:
Category 5: Major Surgery (Day Surgery)
In cases where the insured undergoes major surgery no requiring an inpatient stay, the company will provide benefits as if the insured were an inpatient in a hospital.
Category 6: Outpatient Medical Expenses Benefits
Benefits for various outpatient medical expenses, including direct diagnostic examinations, outpatient medical treatment after inpatient stays, and medical expenses for injuries occurring within 24 hours of each
accident, will be provided.
Section 7: Rehabilitation Medicine Expenses After Inpatient
Benefits for rehabilitation costs, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and related medical professional fees are covered after an injury or illness, such as a stroke, provided by a rehabilitation specialist in a hospital that offers rehabilitation services.
Section 8: Treatment of Chronic Kidney Failure by Dialysis
The company provides benefits for the treatment of chronic kidney failure through intravenous dialysis.
Section 9: Treatment of Tumors or Cancer by Radiotherapy,
Radiation Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine
Benefits for the treatment of tumors or cancer, including radiotherapy, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine treatments, are covered.
Section 10: Cancer Treatment by Chemotherapy
Benefits for cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and targeted therapy, are covered.
Section 12: Emergency Ambulance Service Fees
Coverage includes benefits for emergency ambulance costs, including the cost of medicine, medical supplies, and medical professional
fees, in cases of emergency medical necessity.
Section 13: Medical Expenses by Minor Surgery
Benefits for medical expenses incurred from minor surgery are provided.
Protection Details of "Endorsement Record"
This extends the protection provided under the Elite Health Plus additional health insurance contract and includes various benefits such as coverage for medical equipment, specialist consultations, room costs for a
parent, rehabilitation expenses, and more, depending on the selected plan.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex