Health Checkup, Medical Treatment & Elective Surgeries
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Our team of medical experts conducts personalized, all-encompassing health examinations tailored to your unique needs.
Silver Check-Up Package for Female | 30-40 years old
Introducing our Silver Check-Up Package for Women – comprehensive healthcare at its finest!
Designed exclusively for women who prioritize their well-being, our Silver Check-Up Package offers a range of medical tests and screenings tailored to address your specific health needs. We understand that prevention is key, and our package aims to detect potential issues early on, ensuring you stay in the pink of health.
Silver Check-Up Package for Female | 30-40 years old inlcudes the following tests:
- Physical Examination
- Vital Signs
- Body Mass Index
- Visual Acuity
- Auto Refraction
- Dental examination by dentist
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Chest X-Ray
- Complete Blood Sugar (FBS)
- HbA1chb
- Bun
- Creatinine plus GFR
- Total Cholesterol
- Triglyceride
- HDL-Cholesterol
- LDL-Cholesterol
- Uric Acid
- Urine Analysis
- Stool Examination & Stool Occult Blood
- Ultrasound lower abdomen
- HBs Ag
- Anti-HBs
- Anti-HCV (Total)
- Anti-HAV (Total)
- Cy-prep + HPV DNA Testing
- Check-Up Report
- Meal Coupon (200)
Achieve the best results for your upcoming check-up with these simple yet vital guidelines:
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex