Health Checkup, Medical Treatment & Elective Surgeries
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Our team of medical experts conducts personalized, all-encompassing health examinations tailored to your unique needs.
Big Health Check-Up Package (For Female Age 50+)
Take charge of your health with our Big Health Check-Up Package designed specifically for women aged 50 and above. This comprehensive package includes a wide range of tests, consultations, and imaging services to help you assess your overall health and well-being.
Big Health Check-Up Package (For Female Age 50+) includes the following tests:
General Examination
- Physical Examination
- Vital sign and body mass index
Blood Test
- Complete Blood Count
Sugar Profile
- Fasting Blood sugar
- HbA1c
Cholesterol Profile
- Cholesterol
- Triglyceride
Liver Function Test
- Alkaline Phosphatase
Renal Function Test
- Uric Acid
- Urine Analysis
- Creatinine
- eGFR
Thyroid Function Test
- Free T3
- Free T4
25-OH-Vitamin D3/D2
Cancer Screening Test
- Thin Prep Pap Test
- Co-test Cobas HPV DNA + ThinPrep Cytology
Stool Examination Test
- Stool occult Blood
Physical Examination by Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Mammogram Breast
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound Breast
- Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
Physical Examination by ophthalmologist
Visual activity
Auto-refractometer (Computerised visual test)
Ocular Tonometry (Eye pressure check)
Strabismus/ Squint examination
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)
Vitamin B12 Level
Bone Mineral Density
Physical Examination by Orthophedics Specialist
Hand Grip Test
Back and Leg Muscle Dynamometer Test
Sit and reach stretching test
Time Up and Go Test of Body Balance
6-min Walk Assessment for Body Endurance
Dementia exam by Physiotherapist
Shock wave Therapy
Laser Therapy
Muscle Stretching
Hot pack Pressing
Doctor Consultation Section
Check Up Report
Food Coupon
Take control of your health and book your appointment for our Big Health Check-Up Package today. Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and support to help you lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex