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Arterial blood gas test commonly known as blood gas analysis is a simple blood test that evaluates the acidity or pH levels as well as the oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.
Arterial blood gas test commonly known as blood gas analysis is a simple blood test that evaluates the acidity or pH levels as well as the oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.
The blood gas analysis test is a quick and relatively painless diagnostics procedure, which is conducted as an outpatient procedure, wherein you can go back home the same day.
The arterial blood gas test or ABG provides doctors with valuable insights into the functioning of the lungs, kidneys and heart. This test also helps monitor the effectiveness of various respiratory therapies, including CPAP, BiPAP, and ventilator.
The blood gas analysis is especially beneficial to detect lung disorders and to identify the reasons behind shortness of breath.
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