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A knee X-ray is a quick, painless, and non-invasive image diagnostic test to check the skeletal structure of the knee and to detect fractures as well as degenerative joint diseases.
A knee X-ray is a quick, painless, and non-invasive image diagnostic test to check the skeletal structure of the knee and to detect fractures as well as degenerative joint diseases.
The knee X-ray is also particularly effective for the diagnosis of arthritis and osteoarthritis, whilst being an effective follow-up tool to monitor the progress of arthritis treatment.
This frequently ordered image diagnostics test is often recommended to ascertain the cause behind persistent knee pain and in case of knee trauma.
The knee X-ray is also referred to as bilateral X-ray In case the diagnostics procedure is conducted on both knees to detect arthritis.
A knee X-ray is especially useful in determining the knee’s bone density, alignment, cartilage wear and tear, and understanding the magnitude of degenerative changes of the knees.
Knee X-ray uses radioactive beams that pass through the body, wherein the various body parts block the radiation, thus translating it into an image.
As the knee X-ray scan uses radiation for the procedure, it’s a common misconception that it can lead to cell mutations, causing cancer.
While radiation is indeed absorbed by the body, the radiation levels are extremely low, thus making it a safe image diagnostic test.
Caution: The knee X-ray is not recommended for pregnant women or those planning pregnancy due to the radiation emitted during the procedure.
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