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A knee MRI scan is a specific MRI type that is conducted to evaluate knee health and to identify issues relating to the knees.
A knee MRI scan is a specific MRI type that is conducted to evaluate knee health and to identify issues relating to the knees.
Due to the highly detailed imaging capabilities of a knee MRI scan, it’s considered to be one of the best and most accurate image diagnostic tests for knees.
The MRI knee scan is often performed in conjunction with other knee tests, such as an X-ray for complete and accurate diagnosis of a host of knee conditions.
The knee MRI scan, with its detailed imaging, provides high-resolution images of the knee and its various structures, including tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles, and bones.
This image diagnostic test also assists orthopaedics in conducting knee arthroscopy.
This procedure involves small incisions into the affected knee and the insertion of a scope with an attached camera to get a detailed view of the inside of the knees.
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