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Genetic testing, also known as DNA testing, is used to identify changes in DNA sequence or chromosome structure. Genetic testing can also include measuring the results of genetic changes.
Our Skin DNA Test includes 25 genetic traits that will help you develop and maintain a healthier skincare routine. You’ll learn about your genetic tendencies and vulnerabilities, from complexion to nutritional deficiencies. Receive personalized treatment recommendations based on your unique genetic profile.
Each person has a different body that will have various reactions to environments, foods and other external factors. While many are familiar with DNA testing for food allergies or ancestry, there are also many health benefits to be gained by testing your skin.
Skin DNA testing involves analysis of specific markers for certain skin conditions, allergies, nutritional needs, susceptibility to aging, moisture, texture, and more. For example, you could have a genetic predisposition to sunburn instead of tanning.
In this way, a skin DNA test allows you to prepare for how your skin will react to different situations and adjust your skin care routine accordingly.
Many genetic factors contribute to skin conditions and premature aging. Our report includes several categories of skin quality that will allow you more insight into how to care for the largest organ on your body:
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