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A slew of stomach ailments can necessitate the requirement for Stool Routine & ` MIcroscopic Examination in Gurgaon to identify the illness or the condition you might be suffering from.
A slew of stomach ailments can necessitate the requirement for Stool Routine & ` MIcroscopic Examination in Gurgaon to identify the illness or the condition you might be suffering from. Stool culture, fecal sample test, and stool sample test are all the terms used to describe a stool test. The Stool Routine & Microscopic Examination in Gurgaon can assist in diagnosing medical problems like inflammatory bowel disease, stomach or colon cancer, anal fissures, and piles, as well as identify the presence of blood in your stool sample.
Stool tests are used to evaluate whether or not the intestines have been contaminated by bacteria or other microorganisms. However, not all gut bacteria are toxic; some are required for optimal digestion. Bloody diarrhea is caused by dangerous bacteria or parasites infecting your intestines, and stool tests can assist identify the source of
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