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HIV PCR (RNA) + HPV PCR (29 Genotypes) + VDRL/RPR + Herpes IgG/IgM + Platinum STD Tests Package (HIV Antigen and Antibody Test, HBsAb, HCV antibody, HAV IgG/IgM, Chlamydia Trachomatis, and more.
🚀 VIP Express Ultimate STD Tests Package [Results in 6 Hours - ALL YOU CAN CHECK + HIV RNA PCR]
At Medex Neo Laboratory Clinic, we understand the importance of your health and privacy. That's why we're proud to offer our VIP Express Ultimate STD Tests Package, designed to provide comprehensive and confidential screening for a wide range of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), with results available in just 6 hours. Our premium package includes the following tests:
The Trendy Office Building, 5th Floor, Parking Area (Next to The Trendy Juristic Person Office), Sukhumvit 13, Watthana, Bangkok 10110, Bangkok.
Why Choose Us?
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex