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Elevate your life with DNALL Prestige. Whole Genome Sequencing reveals your genetic code with 700+ reports. Screen for diseases and cancer risks. Results in 45 days. Suitable for all ages.
Discover yourself with DNALL!
With our DNA testing service, you will discover your genetic blueprint to gain more understanding about yourself. Not only it can guide you to a happy lifestyle, but DNALL could also help you to prevent from unbalance dietary or any health risks.
Using Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) as the highest sequencing technology with more than 3-billion-point reads provides the most comprehensive results. It reveals the genetic code that serves as specific data individually. With 700+ reports included in this package, this will help you to screen for complex diseases such as Gaucher’s and Alzheimer. Also, screening for the risk of common cancers that are most likely to be found in Thailand such as colorectal, breast, and ovarian cancer.
Package features includes:
Basic & Lifestyle categories
• Ancestral Analysis
• Sport Genes
• Nutrient Metabolism
• Skin Characteristics
• Genetic Characteristics
• Psychological Traits
• Life Guidance
Health categories
• Health Risks
• Genetic Diseases
• Pharmacogenetics
• Infectious Risks
WGS category
Packages information
Result Turnaround time: You will receive the result within 45 working days. Notification email will be sent automatically when your report is ready on our website.
Pre- and Post-genetic consultant: These packages include personal consultation with additional charge. Please book an appointment for genetic counselling before and after taking a test in person or online.
Minimum age for test: You can perform this test starting from 1 month-old and above.
Sample type: Self-sampling saliva swab collection.
Sample collect caution:
• Make sure the top sponge has not touched any surface before collecting.
• Testers should avoid eating, drinking, smoking, or chewing gum for 30 minutes before saliva collection.
• Please be aware when inserting a swab sponge into the mouth of the tester.
• If preservative solution contacts your eyes or skin, rinse with water and do not swallow.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex