Health Checkup, Medical Treatment & Elective Surgeries
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Herpesviruses 5 in 1 (HSV1/2, VZV, EBV, and CMV) detects HSV1/2, VZV, EBV, and CMV in EDTA plasma or serum, CSF, sputum, etc
Herpesviruses 5 in 1 (HSV1/2, VZV, EBV, and CMV) detects HSV1/2, VZV, EBV, and CMV in EDTA plasma or serum, CSF, sputum, BAL, bronchial washing, alveolar washing, ET tube suction, urine, lesion swab, wound swab, throat swab, naso swab, genital swab, penis swab, and vesicle swab specimens, with results available in 3 days for 7000 THB
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex