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Secure your family's future with VISTA Fragile X Syndrome Test, an accurate and affordable pre-pregnancy screening. Know your genetic status for informed choices for all, including pregnant women.
An accurate and affordable pre-pregnancy screening test for genetic disorder.
Screens for Fragile X Syndrome
Test Time, Result Turnaround, Email Delivery
• The approximate service time for this package is 10-20 minutes.
• The package is available for women, men, and pregnant women before gestational age of 14 weeks.
• Test results are typically available within 21 business days and will be delivered via email.
• Blood sample will be collected for 5 cc.
• There is no need to withhold water and food prior to the blood drawn.
Who should consider VISTA Fragile X Syndrome Test?
• Individuals or couples who want to know more about their genetic status in order to make more informed reproductive decisions
• Individuals or couples receiving donor sperm or eggs and who want to select a donor that doesn’t carry the same mutation as the member of the couple who will provide the gametes
• People with a family history of a genetic disease or from an ethnic background known to be at risk for certain genetic diseases and who are therefore at higher risk of being carriers for those diseases
• Couples who are already pregnant and who wish to know more about the genetic health of their pregnancy
General Information
Most people do not know they are a carrier for an inherited genetic disease until they have a child with the disease. The BGI VISTA Fragile X Syndrome Test off¬ers one of the most comprehensive, accurate and affordable pre-pregnancy screening tests on the market.
Why Choose Fragile X Syndrome Test?
VISTA Fragile X Syndrome Test can be ordered before or during pregnancy and is ideally suited for couples who want to learn about their genetic status, so that they can make more informed reproductive decisions.
Complete health check-up program from leading hospitals and clinics Book now at Medex